Yes sireee... I am nesting. I have been on a cleaning spree all weekend. It started on Friday with putting all of the Christmas gifts away. When Owen got home from work on Friday he had NO idea what kind of a weekend he was in for! He's been such a great husband (as always)... just standing there while I rummaged through piles in the basement saying things like, "what is this? We haven't used it since we moved here! Get rid of that!" As the pile for Goodwill grew he just smiled and carried things upstairs and downstairs. Smart man, he is.... he didn't question a thing!
Today we finished off the nursery. While I completely emptied the closet in the baby's room he just smiled and busied himself with putting the mobile together, added batteries to the baby monitors, and endlessly moved things for me. Tomorrow Carla and Ashlie are coming over to add the border to the wall. When all is complete I will post pictures to the blog! Stay tuned! And if you are wondering.... Owen has retreated to his man room, where I PROMISED I would not bother him for the rest of the night! :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Career Options
I came up with a list of possible careers for Baby Spaite in the middle of the night since I was not sleeping...
1. Soccer player and/or a Rockette (depending on gender): The kicks from this baby certainly could rival any Rockette in past, present, or future Rockefeller Christmas shows. Also, the headbutts against my rib cage certainly indicate a potential soccer player.
2. Olympic Swimmer: Move over Michael Phelps... you've got NOTHING on this tyke with the amount of laps it does around Mom's belly each hour.
3. Cage Fighter: The little bambino certainly enjoys the confines of my rib cage and it definitely fights will all it's might. Though it's not a mother's dream career for their child, at this point I think it is a possibility.
4. Kicker for Grandpa Spaite's Columbiana Clippers: The team will be state playoff bound for sure!
Needless to say, Baby and I are not on the best of terms at the moment. So much for loving your unborn baby unconditionally! If I could put into words the pain my poor ribcage endures for a large majority of the day and night I would.
Apparently I did this to my own mother while I was in the womb. So now my mom just smiles at me with that twinkle of revenge in her eye that she only waited 30 years for! What goes around comes around.....
1. Soccer player and/or a Rockette (depending on gender): The kicks from this baby certainly could rival any Rockette in past, present, or future Rockefeller Christmas shows. Also, the headbutts against my rib cage certainly indicate a potential soccer player.
2. Olympic Swimmer: Move over Michael Phelps... you've got NOTHING on this tyke with the amount of laps it does around Mom's belly each hour.
3. Cage Fighter: The little bambino certainly enjoys the confines of my rib cage and it definitely fights will all it's might. Though it's not a mother's dream career for their child, at this point I think it is a possibility.
4. Kicker for Grandpa Spaite's Columbiana Clippers: The team will be state playoff bound for sure!
Needless to say, Baby and I are not on the best of terms at the moment. So much for loving your unborn baby unconditionally! If I could put into words the pain my poor ribcage endures for a large majority of the day and night I would.
Apparently I did this to my own mother while I was in the womb. So now my mom just smiles at me with that twinkle of revenge in her eye that she only waited 30 years for! What goes around comes around.....
Monday, December 1, 2008
Butterball Turkey
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Owen and I went to both sides and had a great day. My Bambino that used to be basketball sized seems to have blown up into the butterball turkey!
I am growing by the day, and let me tell you, Baby is certainly active! It kicks, somersaults, and stretches out multiples times throughout the day. Random parts are now sticking out. Owen and I felt a foot jabbing out in the milk aisle of Giant Eagle this weekend. On Sunday a large lump stuck up on one side of my belly. Whether it was the head or it's rump, I'm not so sure. It was definitely round and something only a mother would find "cute!"
Tomorrow I go back to work - only 14 school days until Christmas break, and a few weeks in January and then.... maternity leave! Which let me tell you, could not come soon enough this year. I actually had a student tell me last Wednesday that I looked like a "big fat pig with my big stomach." Sigh.... the "darlings" I am surrounded by each day.
I am growing by the day, and let me tell you, Baby is certainly active! It kicks, somersaults, and stretches out multiples times throughout the day. Random parts are now sticking out. Owen and I felt a foot jabbing out in the milk aisle of Giant Eagle this weekend. On Sunday a large lump stuck up on one side of my belly. Whether it was the head or it's rump, I'm not so sure. It was definitely round and something only a mother would find "cute!"
Tomorrow I go back to work - only 14 school days until Christmas break, and a few weeks in January and then.... maternity leave! Which let me tell you, could not come soon enough this year. I actually had a student tell me last Wednesday that I looked like a "big fat pig with my big stomach." Sigh.... the "darlings" I am surrounded by each day.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy 30th Birthday
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Dad Vs. The Crib

Hopefully you have read Mom Vs. The Bed! (Look a little further down, I am adding posts like crazy tonight!)
So there it is... the crib. Owen and I spent the afternoon connecting piece A5 to B3 with screw R1. And so on and so forth! We successfully put the crib and changing table together within a two hour time period. Pretty impressive if you ask me. No swearing involved (alright maybe one or two!) But you see, I had a plan of attack when it came to shopping for, buying, and assembling the crib & changing table. I'll let you in on my battle tactics in case you are one of the people reading this that will someday be in the shoes we were in today. Here is my battle plan confession...
How To Ensure Your Husband Will Put a Crib Together with Minimal Frustration/Complaints
#1 - I specifically picked this Sunday to tackle the project simply because the Browns do not play until tomorrow. (Ding.... Score one for me)
#2 - I made sure we stopped for a nice big lunch to assure that irritation caused by hunger would be obsolete. (Ding.... and she scores again!)
#3 - The most critical part of my plan, a stop off at Best Buy on the way home and unlimited time in the beloved TV section to monger. (Ding, ding, ding.... a game winning shot)
So while he was putting J7 into the G5 slot he was in a great mood. It's all about the planning and timing... Thanks Mom, you taught me well. I learned those valuable lessons growing up, and I think you will be proud to see how I implemented them today!
Mom Vs. The Bed
So, if I put this pillow right there and position the pregnancy wedge exactly there, and fight off those 3rd trimester charlie horse leg cramps, I just may get 3 straight solid hours of sleep before I have to get up to pee... And so my nightly ritual goes.
If someone were to ask me what I miss most from my pre-pregnancy days it would be a tough call. Catch me after a hard day with my "challenging" class this year and I would say BEER! Ask me in the middle of the night, and it is definitely the ability to sleep on my stomach. I always have been a stomach sleeper and rolling over on this basketball is not the least bit comfortable. Of course, who am I kidding that I can actually roll over. I lost that aerobatic ability around the same time I lost sight of my own feet.
Yes, I know this is Mother Nature's way of preparing me for waking up in the middle of the night after the baby arrives, but.... what is Mother Nature doing to get my husband ready for interrupted sleep? I pondered that at 3:45 last night. At times I flop from one side to another with a little more "Umph...." than I should, just to stir him awake. Is that nice and loving? Probably not, but I look at it as just being fair. I don't want him to go from that sound peaceful sleep I have been listening to for the last few months into complete shock when the baby awakens him. Say what you want about Mother Nature, I am just playing Mother Spaite and preparing him for our future arrival!
If someone were to ask me what I miss most from my pre-pregnancy days it would be a tough call. Catch me after a hard day with my "challenging" class this year and I would say BEER! Ask me in the middle of the night, and it is definitely the ability to sleep on my stomach. I always have been a stomach sleeper and rolling over on this basketball is not the least bit comfortable. Of course, who am I kidding that I can actually roll over. I lost that aerobatic ability around the same time I lost sight of my own feet.
Yes, I know this is Mother Nature's way of preparing me for waking up in the middle of the night after the baby arrives, but.... what is Mother Nature doing to get my husband ready for interrupted sleep? I pondered that at 3:45 last night. At times I flop from one side to another with a little more "Umph...." than I should, just to stir him awake. Is that nice and loving? Probably not, but I look at it as just being fair. I don't want him to go from that sound peaceful sleep I have been listening to for the last few months into complete shock when the baby awakens him. Say what you want about Mother Nature, I am just playing Mother Spaite and preparing him for our future arrival!
Happy Belated Halloween
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Baby Shower Bliss
Unfortunately it usually is Owen taking it, or it is my sister taking it.
A picture of all 5 of us is rare!
I know it has been a while since I posted, but the last 3 weeks have been nuts. Between report cards and parent - teacher conferences, I haven't had much time at home. Check out some photos from my baby shower. My sister worked tirelessly for weeks to plan the perfect afternoon for me. It was wonderful to have my mom and mother-in-law there - so excited to be first time grandparents! I was more than overwhelmed with the gifts. The generosity of friends and family absolutely moved me to tears as I looked at all of the new "stuff" in Baby Spaite's room.
Of course Stanley had to inspect EVERYTHING first and give it his seal of approval. He was enamored with the light up toys, mobiles, and gadgets. He especially likes the Rain forest Crib soother. If you could see his little head tilting this way and that when it lights up and makes animal sounds!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Halloween
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Attack of the Sinuses!
As you know, I have the distinct pleasure of spending my day with 18 "darlings" who run around my classroom and share everything they have with me. Whether it be great ideas, stories about their new puppy, or a sticky cookie from their lunch that was "saved" just for me, they share it all. I treasure most of the things they share with me, except for their tiny snotty noses and germy little fingers.
Needless to say, my family doctor was not surprised to see me in his office on Saturday morning. As he looked up my nose to see what type of terrorists I was harboring, he so affectionately said, "You know, I have to give you credit, you certainly get some doozies!" I laughed and said, "Thanks! If there is ever a contest for that sort of thing, let me know. I'd be sure to take top prize!"As I drove home with prescription in hand I said a silent prayer that this baby does NOT inherit my Grand Canyon sized sinus cavity.
But then my thoughts drifted to all the things I hope this baby DOES inherit, like my sense of creativity and Owen's amazing mathematical and logical ability. I hope baby gets Grandpa Spaite's love of football and healthy competitive spirit. From Grandpa Steince I hope baby has the ability to "figure things out" and be able to fix anything. We'll be blessed if he or she has the sense of humor from Grandma Spaite, who's eyes light up with laughter so easily. And from Grandma Steince, definitely the intuitive nature to judge and be right about other people's character.
If all these things come together then we will have one amazing little person who will light this world on fire with their personality. Let's hope they aren't sneezing and wiping their nose like their mama when they are doing it!
Needless to say, my family doctor was not surprised to see me in his office on Saturday morning. As he looked up my nose to see what type of terrorists I was harboring, he so affectionately said, "You know, I have to give you credit, you certainly get some doozies!" I laughed and said, "Thanks! If there is ever a contest for that sort of thing, let me know. I'd be sure to take top prize!"As I drove home with prescription in hand I said a silent prayer that this baby does NOT inherit my Grand Canyon sized sinus cavity.
But then my thoughts drifted to all the things I hope this baby DOES inherit, like my sense of creativity and Owen's amazing mathematical and logical ability. I hope baby gets Grandpa Spaite's love of football and healthy competitive spirit. From Grandpa Steince I hope baby has the ability to "figure things out" and be able to fix anything. We'll be blessed if he or she has the sense of humor from Grandma Spaite, who's eyes light up with laughter so easily. And from Grandma Steince, definitely the intuitive nature to judge and be right about other people's character.
If all these things come together then we will have one amazing little person who will light this world on fire with their personality. Let's hope they aren't sneezing and wiping their nose like their mama when they are doing it!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Yet Another Road Trip
As you can tell by now, this baby and I travel extremely well together. I take him or her and off we go. This past weekend it was to Michigan State for the OSU game. The four of us that road trip together decided to knock off another Big Ten school. Ohio State doesn't have Michigan State on the schedule for a couple of years, so the time was NOW! We were able to get four seats together and that sealed the deal.
I give Michigan State huge props for their tailgating and pregame partying. It was amazing - the most like Columbus we've seen at any of the schools we've gone to. I hope you enjoy the picture! Unless another impromptu road trip pops up, I think we'll be settled at home for a while. But hey, San Antonio, New York City, Wisconsin, and Michigan all within the last 2 months... not bad for a mama to be!
They always say you'll end up like your parents... well that is panning out to be true. This kid has a lifetime of car trips ahead of it! One would swear I was born in a car- between Conneaut Lake, Grandma's, and Florida, my sister and I logged some serious quality time in more than one car, station wagon, and mini van. This baby has Steince blood in it, and that means more long car rides to come!
Friday, October 17, 2008
I felt.... A FOOT!
This kicker beats on me pretty consistently throughout the day, but is even more active at night. I was laying on my side on the couch the other night and the little Bambino was "knocking" on my side. I instinctively put my hand there and was met with a little foot - or elbow, fist, heel.... It was definitely like nothing I have felt before! Amazing - to say the least.
Baby Spaite has been trying out this trick all week and has even kicked for Owen. We were watching it thump in baby class last night. You can definitely see my basketball belly moving with each jab and kick. By the way, I spoke way too soon with "baby class isn't so bad." We were subjected to the icky birthing videos last night. But, we made it through! We also toured the birthing suite. Medina General has a great set up. I'll be in the same room through the entire process. The rooms are spacious and very nice. There is a heated alcove for the baby and plenty of room for Dad. Last night made it all real! I certainly can't wait to see and count the toes on the little feet that entertain me all day!
Baby Spaite has been trying out this trick all week and has even kicked for Owen. We were watching it thump in baby class last night. You can definitely see my basketball belly moving with each jab and kick. By the way, I spoke way too soon with "baby class isn't so bad." We were subjected to the icky birthing videos last night. But, we made it through! We also toured the birthing suite. Medina General has a great set up. I'll be in the same room through the entire process. The rooms are spacious and very nice. There is a heated alcove for the baby and plenty of room for Dad. Last night made it all real! I certainly can't wait to see and count the toes on the little feet that entertain me all day!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
All is Well

Ah, Baby class.... hard to believe, but this Thursday will be our last class. We will be touring the birthing center. Overall, class has not been too bad. No icky videos to watch and no crazy partner activities. We pretty much sit and listen to a nurse tell us the straight up facts about having a baby. I am feeling pretty confident that I can indeed handle it.
I posted some pictures from Wisconsin. We had an absolute blast! It was our favorite road trip out of all of them. Owen surprised me with tickets, so we got to actually go to the game. I did just fine drinking water while tailgating too. Though, there were a few people in the tailgating lot who were trying to entice me to drink a beer. (Yes, I had the willpower to decline those delicious looking cans!)
Owen picked the remaining jalapenos from our garden before we left for Wisconsin. He stuffed & grilled them up on our tailgate grill. I feasted on two delicious ones, though they certainly packed quite the spicy punch. I sat down shortly after I had eaten the jalapenos and Baby Spaite gave me one heck of a kick or punch. It was just one, but by far the hardest one I have had to date! I'm not sure the Bambino likes spicy things as much as Dad!
For now, we'll just call the baby "Bambino." We've gotten lots of fabulous suggestions for names - Billy Ray, Twila, just to name a few... Truthfully we have names picked out - sorry to disappoint you, but we are keeping them to ourselves. We will give one hint... if it is a girl, she will have a middle name from my side of the family, and if this kicker is a boy, he will have a middle name from Owen's side of the family. So keep your guesses coming - we enjoy your thoughts!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
KABOOM... Again
I am officially a "weeble." (Remember those toys that rock and fall over?) I fell again at work on Monday. This time I wiped out on the carpeted section of the hallway. I have some lovely rug burn not only on my knees, but on my toes as well. That takes some talent to get rug burn on your toes! Good thing little bambino is well protected in this basketball stomach of mine. Last time I fell at work it was a face plant on the tile floor and that left me with black and blue knees for a few weeks. I had to go to the office to get an icepack.... boy did I feel like the 7 year olds that I teach.
Other than my new adjustment to gravity, all is well. I'm feeling GREAT and loving the fact that Baby Spaite is moving around more often and with a little more "umph..." these days. Owen and I start birthing classes tomorrow night. I have no idea what we are in for, but friends who have been through "classes" before give me a smile and a laugh that signifies they know all about the graphic videos that you are subjected to. I'll let you know if we decide to go back! :)
Other than my new adjustment to gravity, all is well. I'm feeling GREAT and loving the fact that Baby Spaite is moving around more often and with a little more "umph..." these days. Owen and I start birthing classes tomorrow night. I have no idea what we are in for, but friends who have been through "classes" before give me a smile and a laugh that signifies they know all about the graphic videos that you are subjected to. I'll let you know if we decide to go back! :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Stupid Pregnancy Moment #147
Apparently you have to put SOAP in the dishwasher before you run it... got it. Too bad that didn't dawn on me until I had almost emptied the "clean" dishes into the cupboards. Soap... remember to put soap in next time.... don't back into cars... my list is getting frighteningly longer!
Monday, September 22, 2008
In The Dark
After the "Ohio Hurricane" Owen and I were left without power from Sunday until Thursday. With the help of many generous people from work, we were supplied with lanterns and a generator. Unfortunately we lost everything in our fridge and freezer. I guess it was a good way to get the whole thing cleaned out though! It was quite the experience, but I am glad it happened while Baby Bambino was safely tucked away!
I had a brief doctor's appointment last week. All is well! Next time is the sugar test, but that isn't until October. We are headed up to Wisconsin for the Ohio State game on October 4th. That is the annual road trip for the season. We have Iowa, Purdue, and soon Wisconsin under our belts. We'd like to visit all the Big Ten schools. After this season it will be 3 down, 7 to go! By the time we get to the last few, our little one won't be so little anymore. I'm excited to go, but bummed out that I won't be in "usual form" at the tail gate lot... I'll have to flavor my water to make believe I have something good!
I had a brief doctor's appointment last week. All is well! Next time is the sugar test, but that isn't until October. We are headed up to Wisconsin for the Ohio State game on October 4th. That is the annual road trip for the season. We have Iowa, Purdue, and soon Wisconsin under our belts. We'd like to visit all the Big Ten schools. After this season it will be 3 down, 7 to go! By the time we get to the last few, our little one won't be so little anymore. I'm excited to go, but bummed out that I won't be in "usual form" at the tail gate lot... I'll have to flavor my water to make believe I have something good!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Stupid Pregnancy Moment #146
When they say you lose brain cells when you are pregnant, they are NOT kidding. I used to think that was some crazy myth that people used for their idiotic moments. Well, myth no longer.... I actually looked at a car in my driveway and decided that I could easily back around it. I then got in my car, changed the radio station and proceeded to back out. I completely forgot that Ryan's car was behind me and yep... you guessed it! I backed right into it. How my brain could have forgotten that it was right there in that 20 second time span is beyond me??
Owen called the insurance company and all will be taken care of! Ryan was not upset in the least. In fact, he and Owen thought it was rather funny. I however, was irrationally crying over this incident. Most credit goes to Owen for handling my emotional episode. :)
I won't go on with all of my other idiotic moments of late... just know that this was the worst of them (so far!) All else is well. I can feel Baby Spaite kicking all the time now, especially in the morning when I wake up. Luckily, I have the ability at this point to sleep through the night and boy am I savoring that!
Owen called the insurance company and all will be taken care of! Ryan was not upset in the least. In fact, he and Owen thought it was rather funny. I however, was irrationally crying over this incident. Most credit goes to Owen for handling my emotional episode. :)
I won't go on with all of my other idiotic moments of late... just know that this was the worst of them (so far!) All else is well. I can feel Baby Spaite kicking all the time now, especially in the morning when I wake up. Luckily, I have the ability at this point to sleep through the night and boy am I savoring that!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Well, it was better than I ever expected. I spent a little over an hour totally enamored with the screen. It was beyond amazing to acutally see the baby moving, turning, waving. We saw its heart beating too. I could see all the chambers! Everything is right where it is supposed to be. I checked all the parts out and even tried to count the toes when its little feet came up. The feet are about 3cm long. To put that in perspective... 2 1/2 cm equals 1 inch. Check out a ruler the next time you have a chance!
It was quite the stinker though - moving constantly. The tech said I have one that won't stay still - just like it's mom! The best part about today was watching Owen's face as he was watching the baby move around. It even gave Owen a wave with its little hand. I can't wait to meet this little wonder.
It was quite the stinker though - moving constantly. The tech said I have one that won't stay still - just like it's mom! The best part about today was watching Owen's face as he was watching the baby move around. It even gave Owen a wave with its little hand. I can't wait to meet this little wonder.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Tomorrow's the Day!
Tomorrow is the day Owen and I will first see Baby Spaite. I am so excited to see the little gray blob on the screen. If it is half as amazing as hearing the heartbeat, then we are in for a memorable afternoon! All is well with me - I can hardly believe I am just hitting the 20 week mark. This kiddo will be here before we know it.
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