Saturday, January 31, 2009

Due Date Come... And Due Date Go....

Well - my mother's intuition is NOT starting off well at all. I was sure this bugger would be born during the month of January. Now I am getting ready to flip the calendar to February.

No sign of Baby Spaite AT ALL. I went to the doctor on Friday and there is nothing happening that would remotely suggest I would be in labor anytime soon. I fielded a ton of phone calls and text messages today - thanks to all those who checked in! :) I appreciate it!

For those of you who have not been separated from your phones for the last few days, you may as well give it a break for a while. The doctor said he wanted to see me on Wednesday for a non-stress test to check on the baby and my status as well. As I walked to the reception desk to schedule yet another appointment he gave me a sympathetic smile and said, "See you Wednesday."

So another day goes by, yet it will no longer be marked by the fancy little pea pod ticker at the top of the Blog screen. I need to find something else to put up there - Rachel, you'll have to help me out on that one! :) Thanks again for all the well wishes and thoughts today.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another Snowstorm Bullet Dodged!

If you look closely behind Stanley's head you can see the yardstick. Not much "stick" left sticking above the snow!
Good thing we didn't need to car! This picture was taken late morning. By the time Owen got home from work, you couldn't see the tires anymore!

We made it through another snowstorm without any urgent need to get to the hospital! This storm dumped about 11-12 inches - add that to the 8 or 9 we already had and you can say there is a significant amount of snow at our house. Owen was stuck, but shoveled himself out!
Another doctor appointment tomorrow - Baby Spaite seems to be nestled in for a long winter's nap! Hopefully I'll have some news tomorrow? Today is my first day at home. I finished up with my class and my maternity sub is in full control - to be a fly on the wall in that classroom!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

All is Quiet

Nothing new to report, though many of you wish there was! My doctor appointment went well. Baby Spaite is still head down, which is good. No need to be all turned around crazy in there! I am barely dilated, though I think the doctor only told me that to make me feel better! Baby Spaite is roughly estimated to be somewhere in the 8 pound range already, though that is definitely NOT scientific. We'll just have to wait for the official measurement. I don't seem to be dropping at all, just protruding outwards more - which at times does not even seem possible! I've been keeping busy at home with books and school projects.

My last day of work is Wednesday and then the thumb twiddling begins! I need to exercise my Grandmother's amazing ability to be patient. I can just hear her now... that baby will come when it's good and ready!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

You Are Spared...

So last night I sat down and wrote this beautiful, yet oh so sappy Blog entry about how ready I was to be a Mom. I reflected on the fact that I only have a few days left and I was savoring my time with Owen - so on and so forth. As I dried some tears and hit the "Publish My Post" button a message came up on the screen that said, "We're sorry Blogger is currently down. Please try again later."

Therefore, you are all spared my hormonal sappiness. I can't duplicate what I wrote yesterday either. I poured it all out of my heart and soul. You just can't do that the same way twice. So instead you get this lame post. Nothing is new - still not dilated. I have yet to drop, much to the dismay of people at work. I swear someone stops in every 15 minutes just to see how I am and if anything is happening! One of the teachers sits her fist on my "shelf" every morning to "measure" if I have dropped. Pretty amusing! Being at work keeps me sane these days. (Though a few months ago, it was driving me INsane to be at work!) Oh how the tide has turned. I am planning on working through next Wednesday. A few days at home with my feet up won't hurt anyone! My maternity sub is ready to go, report cards are done and ready to go home tomorrow...all things are in order for the change of the guards.

I have been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions this evening - in fact, some right now while I am typing this! I go back to the doctor tomorrow, so I will update everyone this weekend! Stay tuned....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Water Breaks

Thought it was mine, didn't you?! Nope... just a pipe in the basement! That sucker snapped clean and water was EVERYWHERE yesterday! What made it even more enjoyable was that we were not home at the time. Owen and I got home from a few hours of errands to the sound of rushing water. It is a lovely sight when you open the basement door and water is flowing freely like Niagara Falls down the wall and across the floor!

It was quite an interesting evening and night. Even thought the main water supply to our house is shut off there is still water coming out of the pipe... how is that possible? Owen was up every few hours to go empty the bucket. So this is how mother nature gets new Father's ready for getting up multiple times in the night! I have been wondering about that! (See previous blogs!)

We currently have no water, but help is on the way. My father-in-law is bringing reinforcements and should be here by 8 this morning. I'd say they are the definitely on my list of favorite people today!

No change from the Doctor this week either... still not dilated, but Baby is head down. Dr. McComsey said I still have a while to go. Sounds good to me... I've got other things to take care of right now and they include a bucket and a mop!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Snow, Baby, Snow

This baby better not decide to make an appearance this weekend! We already have 7-8 inches and it is still coming down steady. Snow plows in our neighborhood are a joke... in fact I have yet to see ONE and we have lived here for almost 3 years. We aren't even considered a "secondary" street. Our street snowplower is mother nature. When she decides to warm up, she melts the street for us!
ALL of the shoveling was left to Owen... I don't blame him for taking a rest! At least I cleaned off the cars....

and played with Stanley.... OH NO! I've fallen and I can't get up! Stanley thought it was hilarious!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Shelf

Oh how I love my new found shelf... It is very useful, especially when I am eating! My shelf has gotten considerably larger over the last two weeks, so I figured I would put it to good use! I may actually miss that little novelty when it goes away.
Though I will NOT miss the harsh kicking of my ribs, I really will miss the baby movements. They are certainly one of the most amazing things. I am so used to it, that I wonder if I will feel empty after the baby makes it's appearance? For example, I can absolutely count on a little dance and somersaults action every morning when I take a shower. I can also count on the back and forth swim after a glass of orange juice. Baby Spaite even has a certain sleep position. Every morning when I wake up it's little rump is sticking up and out of the left side of my belly. (Imagine a conehead sticking out of your stomach!) Though that may seem a bit weird to you, it's become something I am so used to. I smile every morning as I pat it's little butt.
So as uncomfortable as I get these last few weeks, I relish the fact that I will never again have these moments. Instead I will have new moments of a little face that I am eager to meet!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Nursery

Here is the teddy bear that Owen got our little one for Christmas. I think Baby Spaite is wrapped around his little finger already! :)

The nursery is DONE! All it needs is a baby.... we're waiting little one... (some of us not so patiently!)