Sunday, December 7, 2008

Career Options

I came up with a list of possible careers for Baby Spaite in the middle of the night since I was not sleeping...

1. Soccer player and/or a Rockette (depending on gender): The kicks from this baby certainly could rival any Rockette in past, present, or future Rockefeller Christmas shows. Also, the headbutts against my rib cage certainly indicate a potential soccer player.

2. Olympic Swimmer: Move over Michael Phelps... you've got NOTHING on this tyke with the amount of laps it does around Mom's belly each hour.

3. Cage Fighter: The little bambino certainly enjoys the confines of my rib cage and it definitely fights will all it's might. Though it's not a mother's dream career for their child, at this point I think it is a possibility.

4. Kicker for Grandpa Spaite's Columbiana Clippers: The team will be state playoff bound for sure!

Needless to say, Baby and I are not on the best of terms at the moment. So much for loving your unborn baby unconditionally! If I could put into words the pain my poor ribcage endures for a large majority of the day and night I would.

Apparently I did this to my own mother while I was in the womb. So now my mom just smiles at me with that twinkle of revenge in her eye that she only waited 30 years for! What goes around comes around.....

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