Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Water Breaks

Thought it was mine, didn't you?! Nope... just a pipe in the basement! That sucker snapped clean and water was EVERYWHERE yesterday! What made it even more enjoyable was that we were not home at the time. Owen and I got home from a few hours of errands to the sound of rushing water. It is a lovely sight when you open the basement door and water is flowing freely like Niagara Falls down the wall and across the floor!

It was quite an interesting evening and night. Even thought the main water supply to our house is shut off there is still water coming out of the pipe... how is that possible? Owen was up every few hours to go empty the bucket. So this is how mother nature gets new Father's ready for getting up multiple times in the night! I have been wondering about that! (See previous blogs!)

We currently have no water, but help is on the way. My father-in-law is bringing reinforcements and should be here by 8 this morning. I'd say they are the definitely on my list of favorite people today!

No change from the Doctor this week either... still not dilated, but Baby is head down. Dr. McComsey said I still have a while to go. Sounds good to me... I've got other things to take care of right now and they include a bucket and a mop!

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