How could I possibly even think about going back to work?? The little man and I love to snuggle in the morning after Owen leaves for work. I can't even begin to think about being "teacher" again. I'm perfectly content being "Mommy" at the moment! At least there are only 8 weeks of school left once I go back.

Here is a laugh/smile! Logan is really tuned into our faces and imitates them from time to time. Our favorite is when we stick our tongue out at him and he does it back to us! Too funny! We went for our first walk in the stroller on Friday. I thought Stanley would freak out about walking next to the stroller, but he was so happy to be out and about that he didn't even bat an eyelash at the rolling addition to our walk. Logan slept the entire way around the block, but I certainly enjoyed the 60 degree weather and the warm sunshine... does wonders for my cabin fever! I am REALLY looking forward to spring weather and being outside. But, when one lives in Northeast Ohio, one must wait until at least May for that! :)
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