I knew I couldn't trick you into thinking it was MY water, because apparently I am constructed like the Hoover Dam! Nope... just more water in the basement. This time we were treated to a flood on the finished side of our basement. When you have almost 2 feet of snow that rapidly melts with the fantastic thaw over the weekend, you end up with soaking wet carpet and walls.
Isn't that tile lovely? There were even some red racing stripes that accented it! FANCY!
It started seeping in on Saturday night and by 1 AM we were tearing up carpet, padding, and some lovely 1950s tile that was original with the house. Luckily Ryan and Lori were here to help move furniture and Owen's first baby, (The flat screen TV) out of harm's ways. Ryan returned with his snazzy tool belt the following morning and the three of us dove into the mess. When the dust cleared, all that was left was foundation, a missing wall, and some lovely mold. I hightailed it out of there when the boys were taking swings at the wall and the dust started flying - though I did get a couple of good whacks in with the hammer before I went upstairs. Demolishing a wall is a lot of fun! I wish I could have stuck around for more!

Anyhow, we are at a standstill until after a certain little someone makes their appearance! So much for having a finished basement - goodbye Ohio State paint job! Stay tuned in the next few months for the "renovation" blog!
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