Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, I am again in the holding pattern. I am supposed to be induced tomorrow morning. However, I got a call from the hospital today advising me to call in the morning to see if they do indeed have a bed for me. I thought the nurse was joking with me - has this inducement not been scheduled for a week?? Apparently they are at capacity and have been really busy the last few days. There is a possibility that I will be pushed back to later in the day or to another day completely.

All I'd really like to do is have this baby... I am getting tired of him-hawing around! Hopefully I make it in at 7 tomorrow morning. From there it should be a long process. The are giving me the Potocin (sp?) in the morning and then we wait and hope it kick starts my labor. Hopefully by tomorrow evening/night Owen and I will be holding Baby Spaite. Keep your fingers crossed... I know mine are, as well as my toes!

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