Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Logan Robert Spaite has Arrived!

Logan Robert Spaite has arrived! It was a bit of a struggle for him to make it out into the world, but after an emergency C-Section he was much more content. He came in weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces - one big baby! While holding Logan shortly after he was born, Owen made the comment that he couldn't believe that he was all tucked inside of me only earlier that day! I just laughed and said, "Now do you see why I wanted that baby out so bad!"

As I mentioned, I needed a C-Section due to a condition called Bandels's Ring. It is a band of tissue around my uterus that does not dilate. Therefore, after being in labor for 10 hours and having intense contractions I was still not dilating at all. This little guy had no way to get out! It was causing too much stress on him and he was squeezing the cord. There was no way to know I had this ring, and from what I understand, it is pretty rare. I had some additional complications / infections during our 5 day stay at the hospital, but I won't get into those! All that matters is that he is happy and healthy! (If you would like the entire saga, let me know - I'd be glad to share and am at the point where I can laugh about the crazy ordeals that ensued after he was born).

Owen and I have been enjoying being parents and are figuring it all out together! We have had some good laughs over the last week and often tag-team things like smelly diapers and baths. I plan on keeping up with the blog as Logan grows and changes. Check in often if you want! I'm sure there will be some good stories!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, I am again in the holding pattern. I am supposed to be induced tomorrow morning. However, I got a call from the hospital today advising me to call in the morning to see if they do indeed have a bed for me. I thought the nurse was joking with me - has this inducement not been scheduled for a week?? Apparently they are at capacity and have been really busy the last few days. There is a possibility that I will be pushed back to later in the day or to another day completely.

All I'd really like to do is have this baby... I am getting tired of him-hawing around! Hopefully I make it in at 7 tomorrow morning. From there it should be a long process. The are giving me the Potocin (sp?) in the morning and then we wait and hope it kick starts my labor. Hopefully by tomorrow evening/night Owen and I will be holding Baby Spaite. Keep your fingers crossed... I know mine are, as well as my toes!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Water, Water, Everywhere

I knew I couldn't trick you into thinking it was MY water, because apparently I am constructed like the Hoover Dam! Nope... just more water in the basement. This time we were treated to a flood on the finished side of our basement. When you have almost 2 feet of snow that rapidly melts with the fantastic thaw over the weekend, you end up with soaking wet carpet and walls.

It started seeping in on Saturday night and by 1 AM we were tearing up carpet, padding, and some lovely 1950s tile that was original with the house. Luckily Ryan and Lori were here to help move furniture and Owen's first baby, (The flat screen TV) out of harm's ways. Ryan returned with his snazzy tool belt the following morning and the three of us dove into the mess. When the dust cleared, all that was left was foundation, a missing wall, and some lovely mold. I hightailed it out of there when the boys were taking swings at the wall and the dust started flying - though I did get a couple of good whacks in with the hammer before I went upstairs. Demolishing a wall is a lot of fun! I wish I could have stuck around for more!

Isn't that tile lovely? There were even some red racing stripes that accented it! FANCY!

Anyhow, we are at a standstill until after a certain little someone makes their appearance! So much for having a finished basement - goodbye Ohio State paint job! Stay tuned in the next few months for the "renovation" blog!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stubborn Spaite

Baby Spaite is sure a stubborn one. Another appointment has come and gone. Still no change or indication that Baby Spaite will be joining us anytime soon. (If you want more details, call! I'll spare the rest of you the ins and outs of every specific detail!)

I had a non-stress test today, which is normal for those that are past their due date. Apparently I am a member of the "post-due" crew. Hmmmm...... I think I will get a T-shirt made. Better yet, maybe I will design and sew one myself. I certainly have enough time on my hands.

The test was was a half hour long and showed the baby's heart rate and my contraction rate. The baby's heart rate was nice and steady and my contractions were every 2 minutes, though not the kind of contractions that are necessary to get anything moving. So Owen and I sat for a half hour and stared at the yellow lines on the screen. We'd much rather stare at a chubby little face!

While we were in there, I could hear another girl trying to convince her Dr. to deliver her today. She was only 36 weeks and basically was tired of being pregnant. I have almost 5 more weeks on that lady and if I wasn't tied to a machine, I may have just "strolled" over to her little curtain and let her know that!

Anyhow, the outcome of today is.... wait until next Wednesday. Apparently my Doctor likes Wednesdays! I am set to be induced on the 11th. So there it is -grab your phones that day and cross your fingers (and toes). They said that it will take at least 12 hours, but I'd keep your phone handy on the 12th too. This slow-poke may just take that long. For as active as this thing is, I thought it would be out and running around by now.

So, what to do for an entire week until then.... anyone have anything they need me to do? Like organize, clean, etc... I am accepting all projects / offers. Just call and I will come, or you can drop off your things.