As you know, I have the distinct pleasure of spending my day with 18 "darlings" who run around my classroom and share everything they have with me. Whether it be great ideas, stories about their new puppy, or a sticky cookie from their lunch that was "saved" just for me, they share it all. I treasure most of the things they share with me, except for their tiny snotty noses and germy little fingers.
Needless to say, my family doctor was not surprised to see me in his office on Saturday morning. As he looked up my nose to see what type of terrorists I was harboring, he so affectionately said, "You know, I have to give you credit, you certainly get some
doozies!" I laughed and said, "Thanks! If there is ever a contest for that sort of thing, let me know. I'd be sure to take top prize!"As I drove home with prescription in hand I said a silent prayer that this baby does NOT inherit my Grand Canyon sized sinus cavity.
But then my thoughts drifted to all the things I hope this baby DOES inherit, like my sense of creativity and Owen's amazing mathematical and logical ability. I hope baby gets Grandpa Spaite's love of football and healthy competitive spirit. From Grandpa Steince I hope baby has the ability to "figure things out" and be able to fix anything. We'll be blessed if he or she has the sense of humor from Grandma Spaite, who's eyes light up with laughter so easily. And from Grandma Steince, definitely the intuitive nature to judge and be right about other people's character.
If all these things come together then we will have one amazing little person who will light this world on fire with their personality. Let's hope they aren't sneezing and wiping their nose like their mama when they are doing it!