Monday, April 6, 2009


Buddies? Well, not yet! Stanley is still feeling out the Logan situation. He is definitely getting more used to Logan and his cries! When Owen and I first brought Logan home, Stanley was more than a bit unsure. Logan would cry and Stanley would run for the back door. He actually dug a hole in the backyard. Owen appropriately named the hole the "Baby Bunker!"

Stan is pretty used to the crying! Now we are on to the next step... getting used to Logan close up. (For those of you who don't know Stanley... he's the cowardly lion!) I make a point everyday to sit on the floor with Logan and Stanley. When I first started sitting on the floor with Logan, Stanley would jump up and get as far away from Logan as possible. Little by little he's gotten used to it and is now to the point where he will lay with us. He's still untrusting of Logan when the little guy bats at him. (That's Logan's new trick! He is batting at things that are in front of him).
My hope is that soon Stanley will accept Logan as part of the pack! I can just envision those two chasing each other in the back yard in the years to come! I have a feeling they will be inseparable!

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